

Our Trivia Games are not just the same boring “We’ll read the questions and you write down the answers game”. It’s exactly what it sounds like. Since technology is rising in the trivia industry, we always need to stay one step ahead of our competitors. We offer the latest and greatest products. Armed with only a cell phone customers can begin playing our Trivia with thin a few seconds. We Set up our software, issue QR codes to all the players and once everyone is logged in it is time to play. The phone will display the questions (over 1200) and a buzzer to answer the questions. Little set up time required and no hassle. The trivia can begin promptly.

Additional Trivia Games


‘Name That Tune’ Play songs or video and players use their phones to ‘buzz in’ to guess the artist or song title.
‘Price is Right’ style games where pictures of common store-bought items show on player’s phones and players select what they think the retail value of the product is.
‘Jeopardy’ style fastest finger quiz games. First person to ‘buzz in’ answers and gets the points.
‘Who Wants to be a Millionaire’ style games. All players to submit the correct answer get the points. Up to 12 multiple-choice answers supported.
‘Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader’ style games. Group youths against adults into a game with questions that youths know, but adults have long forgotten.
‘America’s Got Talent’ or ‘American Idol’ style talent contest games. People perform their best karaoke song, human tricks, jokes, or whatever talent they think they have. Audience members ‘vote’ them based on their performance.